Cats And Dogs Of The Dominican Republic
Cats And Dogs Of The Dominican Republic . Our mission is to significantly improve the health and well-being of the dogs (Coconut Hounds) and cats (Coconut Cats) living in the Dominican Republic. This mission is being accomplished through several programs. Potcake Rescue Bahamas & Dominican Republic (Antonio Myers) Dogs and Cats of the Dominican Republic is a nonprofit whose mission is to improve the health and welfare of the Dominican Republic rescued dogs. Use these forms and guidance document to export cats or dogs to the Dominican Republic. I have a little dog of my own in puerto plata and everyone in my street were shocked at how I treat him. Stray cats and dogs are here so many and they do need help, they do need a home ! Besides white sand beaches and mountain landscapes, the country is home to the oldest European city in the Americas. Cute dog on the beach of Dominican republic - YouTube ...